715 Tank Farm Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
805 543-4488
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715 Tank Farm Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
805 543-4488
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A Non-Invasive Option for Skin Cancer.
Superficial Radiotherapy (SRT) is a safe and effective non-surgical option for non melanoma skin cancer.
The two most common kinds of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is a slow-growing cancer that seldom spreads to other parts of the body. Squamous cell carcinoma also rarely spread, but it does so more often than basal cell carcinoma. It is important that skin cancers be found and treated early because they can invade and destroy nearby tissue.
How does radiation work?
Radiation is a very important tool in the fight against cancer. When radiation interacts with a cancerous cell, it alters the cell’s DNA and therefore it affects its ability to reproduce. This ultimately leads to cell death in the cancerous tumor.
What is SRT?
Superficial Radiotherapy (SRT) is a low-energy radiotherapy that penetrates only a short distance below the surface of the skin. It is highly effective, painless and a cosmetically attractive alternative to surgery in certain cancers and for selected patient populations. The SRT-100TM is the new and most advanced choice for superficial radiotherapy available today, is painless, and similar to having an X-ray.
Why choose SRT?
The SRT-100TM treats non-melanoma skin cancers that are found on the surface of the skin. It can be used for lesions on the arms, legs, back and trunk, but is especially well suited for skin cancers of the head and neck regions – the fold in the nose, eyelids, lips, corner of the mouth, and the lining of the ear – that would otherwise lead to a less than desirable cosmetic outcome. SRT is also a great treatment option for patients who are considered high risk for surgical procedures.